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Fantasy Sex Toys

Because a fulfilling sex life is not purely mechanical, daemons give room to imagination. They pique curiosity and invite exploration.

The main organ of our sexualities is probably not found between our legs but in our head : the brain It pulls the strings of our deepest fantasies, it orchestrates our pleasures, and then it preserves the precious memories from these intimate moments. Daemons are shaped to please the minds. More than just tools of physical stimulation, they are enchanting instruments designed to make our sexuality a wonderful experience !

FuriiSuta Fantasy Nea Fera Daemon

@furiisutaa (Instagram) by @emilienlacaze (Instagram)

Imagination for better inclusivity

Adopting a fantastic approach in the design of sex toys is also a way of blurring the codes of eroticism. This artistic direction is useful for two things :

- easily avoid the usual product categorization that opposes "for women" and "for men". All daemons are versatile, and they are never tailored for a specific gender or sexual orientation.
- offer original combinations of shapes and colors that are not stereotypical reproductions of genital organs. A unicorn horn, a carnivorous flower, or a magic crystal is much less burdened with pre-established erotic representations.

The general idea is that each person can choose the daemon that best suits them according to their own criteria !

Mamie Donuts Pacques Fantasy Fera Daemon Fênra

@mamie_donuts (Instagram) by Lodovicus Nym

Pieces with unique charm

Each daemon is also created to be a decorative object in its own right. There are obvious reasons that can lead some people to hide their sex toys, but the "non-explicit" design of the daemons can help exposing them. We are always happy to see you display these sultry sculptures in your cosy cocoons, standing on your shelves among your favorite books or placed under a bell jar like the mysterious artifacts of a curiosity cabinet !

Every single daemon is unique ! They all have their own one-of-a-kind marbling due to the artisanal manufacturing process. If you were to pick ten times the same combination of shape, size and color, you would still get ten different daemons ! It provides an added symbolic value, which is quite rare for a sex toy and fairly appreciable when purchasing them as a gift.

If you wish to create erotic content, their singular aesthetics will spark a curious interest from your loved ones. Daemons will bring an original note to your most sensual compositions. Whether it's an ephemeral nude or your future blockbuster, they can help you to establish a playful atmosphere with a sex-positive approach !

Sorcière Fera Daemon Néa Yulla Dao

@yulladao (Instagram)