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  1. 1st daemon

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  3. Coffre magique fermé symbolisant le 3ème daemon encore verrouillé Coffre magique ouvert montrant que le 3ème daemon a été déverrouillé 3rd daemon for free

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About us

Romain, founder of Fera Daemon


Portrait of Margot, founder of Fera Daemon


In 2019, making sex toys was a creative hobby that we happily shared. It was a period of discovery and exploration that ignited a new passion in both of us !

In 2020, the project "Fera Daemon" took shape and culminated at the end of the year in a crowdfunding campaign on Ulule. The result was more than encouraging : vous nous avez permis de you helped us raise over 30 times what we needed for our launch !

In 2021, we launched the online store ! The beginning of a beautiful adventure about bodysafe sex toys made in France with customizable fantasy designs !

Since then, thousands of people have welcomed daemons into their erotic life ! Thank you so much for your trust and kind words :)

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